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Attitude of Gratitude: who we forget to thank

Updated: May 6, 2020

Mother of Mothers, a thank you

Many of us know her as Mother Nature or Mother Earth, whichever name we call her by, it is undeniable the lessons she has imparted to us, her children. An impact she has on me every single day. She is the woman who keeps me in awe, who keeps me aligned and more in love with myself.

There is blood running through my body, veins and arteries. There is blood shed monthly, this is the nature of my temple. Would Mother Nature ever have me resent this? It is a gift, a ruby red reminder of the power bestowed upon me. And for her daughters who can not bleed or experience irregularities, how kind and sweet she is to them regardless. How could they be any less woman, with smiles as curvaceous as sand dunes, breast variations as numerous as jellyfish, hips that calm the most violent breezes or cause up a storm themselves? She has a way of highlighting our divinity, how we are drawn to the moon and bask in the sun hanging above us. We are flowers, Mother’s favorite. Her garden, always a sight to see.

In the crevices and crannies and even in plain sight, there are signs and inspiration everywhere. Mother Nature has instilled in her earthly inhabitants, love, kindness, and community and when we turn against our nature we feel the wrath of Mother Nature’s reprimanding. She is sovereign, she is fair and truly, everywhere. Our breath is the song she breathes, we are her seeds and how plentiful she provides for our growing.

When pressure is applied we become diamonds. Mother Nature doesn’t coddle her offspring, she allows life to take its course and shows us the beauty in it. She is protection, a fortress and the push from the nest as a mother bird watching her babies fly.

And how I have come to know myself more because of Her. I am all four elements, earth, water, fire and air. Not one part should I be ashamed of. I flow like a reservoir, burn as wild as an untamed flame. I can be light and dainty or deeply rooted to a cause. To hide any of me is a disservice.

I have nothing but the utmost thanks to give for the woman who gives a gift without expecting much in return, but only to respect her creations. I aspire to be as pure and genuine as her, Mother Nature.

Thank you.

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